junior partner
- 初级合伙人

Much less send a junior partner .
For two weeks a former Kleiner junior partner , Ellen Pao , presented her evidence that she suffered from gender discrimination .
I think he 'll make them the best junior partner they 've ever had .
I was the junior partner on the team .
Scotland has been England 's junior partner in Britain since 1707 .
She joined the firm a year ago and is a junior partner now .
A senior / junior partner in a firm of solicitors
Spencer 's been made junior partner .
Karat says his party will never agree to become a " junior partner of the United States " .
Moreover , especially as the junior partner in the troika , it has to work with governments .
Okay , buddy . I was this close to being a junior partner back in chicago .
I 've been junior partner for too Iong now , karl .
Mr. Matsushita was a member of the People 's New Party , the junior partner in the governing coalition .
If Mr Cameron looks serene , Mr Clegg wears the strain of being a junior partner .
So a junior partner who invests in building and cultivating a strong outside network will risk appearing less productive and profitable in the short run .
The FDP was once part of almost every post-war government , as junior partner of either the CDU or the SPD .
By 1950 , after teaching at Columbia for 27 years , Dodd had effectively become the junior partner of the famous Benjamin Graham .
This probability became apparent during the testimony of Ellen Pao , the former junior partner who was suing Kleiner .
So a junior partner who invests in building and cultivating a strong outside network " will risk appearing less productive and profitable " in the short run .
The National Party , the junior partner in Australia 's coalition government , draws much of its support from the countryside and is particularly reluctant to give free rein to the water market .
Contrary to the accepted view that seniors tended to be givers rather than recipients , it was more common in China for the junior partner to offer frequent and lavish gifts .
A senior partner at the time , Ray Lane , joked to a junior partner that she should be flattered that a colleague showed up at her hotel room door wearing only a bathrobe .
Ellen Pao , a former junior partner of famed venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins , said sexism needed to be tackled by Silicon Valley to produce " better cultures " and " better products . "
As he stroked his closeclipped white whiskers and ran his hand through the rumpled grey locks above his jutting brows , his disrespectful junior partner thought how much he looked like the Family Physician annoyed with a patient whose symptoms refuse to be classified .
German angst over the nuclear disaster in Japan crested just as two south-western states held elections . In Rhineland-Palatinate the Green vote tripled , vaulting the party into government as junior partner of the Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) , which had previously ruled alone .
Self-Defence , a junior coalition partner , said it would pull out of the coalition with the ruling Law and Justice Party .